Friday, March 7, 2008

Bike Journal

Today was my first day of biking to work. I'll try to keep track of my progress here.

Not sure of the total km because I forgot to turn on my little computer thing until partway home. The ride to work is completely downhill which is great when you're still half-asleep!

Weather: overcast, threatening rain, cool and breezy
Distance: 28 city blocks (Odometer says 3.5km, I missed 5 minutes or so, I'll guess 4.2km for now)
Time to get home: (I'll call it 20minutes, my odometer said 15minutes)
Gears used: Front: Middle Back:Lowest
Overall feeling: The first 5 minutes I wasn't sure if I'd make it, I got dizzy, all the blood rushed to my face and I was breathing pretty heavy. This was the worst part of the hill. The rest was just steady, staring at the road and telling myself every block I passed "just 5 more blocks". I feel pretty good now that I'm home.
My body feels good, my lungs feel open despite the cig's I smoked before and after and my butt and legs don't hurt, I didn't even break a sweat!
Cigarettes Smoked: 1 before while I talked myself into it, half of one when I got home to distract myself.
Water drank: A sip when I got home. I need to work on this.


On my lunch break I ran to Canadian Tire to get nuts and bolts to mount the computer on the handlebar in my office and the rack for my panier when I got home.

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