Monday, March 10, 2008

Bike Journal 2

Today kinda sucked. As far as biking home goes.
I felt a lot more tired and my muscles got fatigued faster and I started to overheat about halfway home. But I still made it without any breaks!

Weather: sprinkling, around 8 degreesC and no wind.
Distance: Actually only 1.2km according to my little computer but I have my doubts. I'll check the magnets before I ride to work on Wednesday.
Time to get home: 20minutes and 8seconds
Gears used: Front: Middle Back:Lowest
Overall feeling: Shitty and my bum was wet from my seat sitting in the rain all day. I was wary of my waterproof pants because it wasn't raining hard and I knew I'd overheat. I actually wanted to give up about 3 minutes in because I think I started off on too high of a gear and made myself really feel it after the worst part of the hill. I also slipped off of my peddle (damn cocoa butter on the floor at work) when I was balancing on my bike waiting to cross a busy road with no crosswalk and over-extended my knee a bit... at least I didn't land on the bar. That would have sucked. At least I'm not a guy. That would have sucked more.
Cigarettes Smoked: 1 before I left. It's an hour and a half since I got home and I still haven't had a second one :) YAY!
Water drank: A glass of "Emergen-C"... again, YAY!

So now I'm taking at least 1 day off to let my muscles rest up and make sure my knee is ok.

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