Tuesday, April 28, 2009


jealous, originally uploaded by applesnhoney.

The other half and I took our bikes to a local park and I couldn't resist the wildflowers in the grass. I would have spent all day there but was reminded that there was more to see... I will return with a picnic soon!

edit: why doesn't the picture centre itself? Why am I confused looking at html? I need to learn this better so I can properly edit my posts!!!


Caexars said...


desdemona said...

it's centred.... but are YOU?

Apples N Honey said...

Dude, is it? Maybe you need to use Internet Explorer? It's centred on the page but the image doesn't seem to be centred in the box. The Daisy is supposed to be in the middle but a bunch got cut off on the right in my view... Is it Mozilla Firefox's fault?

desdemona said...

nope, it's your html for the width of your blog. mine does the same and i had to search for how to fix it, it's something to do with margins... i think i fixed mine, i can't remember. now i have to go try and see....