So I bit the bullet and got the Nikon D60 DSLR camera I've been lusting after for a year and upgraded my flickr account to Pro. All in all, I can say I'm pretty darn happy with myself right now.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Kindness of Strangers
Yesterday's snow follies were definitely fun! In the morning I decided I was going to work so I drove my car out of my driveway to the alley behind my house and got stuck turning onto the road... again... I was at a loss as the snow right there was deeper than my bumper so I woke Chris up to help push me into the tire tracks on the street. He couldn't do it and as he went to wake up the landlord's son (who did come out and start digging willingly) 2 kindly strangers saw my plight and came running with a snow shovel. He and his wife spoke a little bit of English and he sent his wife off to get a piece of carpet. The 5 of us worked on my car for around 10 minutes and got me started off on my way to work.
After work I had to have a friend help push me out of the parking lot and I headed to Choices Market on Cambie and 19th for some needed supplies. I parked on 19th and got myself good and properly stuck before I ran to the store across the street. As I was waiting to cross back to my car I noticed the guy parked in front of me in his rear wheel drive sports car having trouble. I waited anxiously hoping he wouldn't hit me and ran to help him as soon as I was able. I pulled my little 2.5' emergency shovel out and the 2 of us muscled the snow around our cars for a while before we eventually decided to push mine out first. I drove down the road and I think he thought I was leaving him there to fend for himself but instead I U-Turned at the roundabout and came back to help him. I parked my car in the road with enough space between his car and mine for a car to drive, put my 4-ways on and got to work.
The amount of dirty looks and sneers we received during this time was deplorable! I cannot believe the number of people who walked or drove by the two of us and never once did someone offer to help! I eventually managed to wedge myself in good and dug my heels of my cowboy boots into the asphault and got him out of the snow and on his way home. As he drove off into the night with me laughing my ass off as I fell behind his now moving vehicle, he yelled "Merry Christmas!!!". Fun times.
After work I had to have a friend help push me out of the parking lot and I headed to Choices Market on Cambie and 19th for some needed supplies. I parked on 19th and got myself good and properly stuck before I ran to the store across the street. As I was waiting to cross back to my car I noticed the guy parked in front of me in his rear wheel drive sports car having trouble. I waited anxiously hoping he wouldn't hit me and ran to help him as soon as I was able. I pulled my little 2.5' emergency shovel out and the 2 of us muscled the snow around our cars for a while before we eventually decided to push mine out first. I drove down the road and I think he thought I was leaving him there to fend for himself but instead I U-Turned at the roundabout and came back to help him. I parked my car in the road with enough space between his car and mine for a car to drive, put my 4-ways on and got to work.
The amount of dirty looks and sneers we received during this time was deplorable! I cannot believe the number of people who walked or drove by the two of us and never once did someone offer to help! I eventually managed to wedge myself in good and dug my heels of my cowboy boots into the asphault and got him out of the snow and on his way home. As he drove off into the night with me laughing my ass off as I fell behind his now moving vehicle, he yelled "Merry Christmas!!!". Fun times.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snowed-in? No way!
We decided to go for a walk today. A peppermint mocha swirl was the carrot on the end of that stick. Then I went home and wrapped most of the presents and cleared the back steps 4 times in 5 hours... Damn snow is falling around 1"/hour right now. Getting a bit scary. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, I don't have the power chord for my work laptop but I'm not putting myself in danger for a job, no matter how much I love my job.


Saturday, December 20, 2008
spurred ever on by warm friends
I've been thinking about why I haven't been writing. I think it may be that I don't want to hear what I have to say.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
RIP Great Uncle Frank Wright
My mom called me this morning to say someone had written an article about my Great Uncle (who I always called "Uncle Pirate") in the Vancouver Sun published today. I promptly went out and bought a copy. A few months ago he'd done an interview for a magazine and a memorial was erected in Horseshoe Bay in his honour soon after.
The last time I saw my Uncle was 6 years ago at my Mom's wedding to my step-dad. I was talking to him and brought up this wooden parrot that I've had since I was little that my mom told me Uncle Frank had hand carved for me. He didn't remember it and told me to show it to him. Mom was getting married at our house so I ran upstairs to collect the old parrot and I brought it to him. He looked at it and started crying, "I can't believe you still have this old thing!". I was so uncomfortable that I'd made my then 83 year old Uncle cry, but we hugged it out and all was well.
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see him in the hospital before he died last week. On Friday morning an hour before my mom was supposed to pick me up from work to take me to Lion's Gate Hospital to see him she called to tell me he'd died in his sleep, thankfully. The funeral is on Monday. I'll say goodbye then I guess.
Here's today's article:
An ancient mariner and 'pirate' laid to rest
Frank Wright lived his life on the water; he was also a recipient of the Order of the British Empire
Pete McMartin
Vancouver Sun
Saturday, November 29, 2008
They will lay Frank Wright to rest on Monday. He died at the age of 89.
I did not know him. People who did -- his wife, his daughter, friends of his -- all called him a character. They gave the impression that behind the usual smooth facade of the obituary resided a real person with ragged, if likable, edges. He was a North Vancouver boy who spent his entire working life on, around, or under the water, who operated tugs, water taxis and salvage crews, and who commenced his own diving career, without a single lesson, after the salvage diver he had hired reported to work sick. Frank donned helmet, suit and boots and went over the side. "A pirate," said a friend, and she meant it as a compliment. He kept a parrot in his office. The parrot could swear.
He was also a veteran.
At the age of 25, Wright was the captain of the M/V Brigadier Sutherland Brown, an army ship that ran up and down the west coast supplying army outposts.
On the morning of Mar. 6, 1945, the Sutherland Brown was docked at the army dock at the foot of Cardero. Wright and a skeleton crew of three were aboard. A half-mile away, at Pier B-C at the foot of Granville Street, sat the SS Greenhill Park, a 10,000-ton freighter that was bound for Australia. It was being loaded with lumber, and its holds were already weighed down with a catch-all cargo of newsprint, sunglasses, jars of pickles, crated airplanes, fertilizers, distress flares, barrels of 60-proof whisky and 1,985 drums of sodium chlorate, a chemical sometimes used in the making of explosives.
Minutes before noon at that day, smoke began to curl out of the Greenhill Park's No. 3 hold. There was a fire. It was later believed that a group of longshoremen were siphoning whisky and someone had lit a match in the gloom. The fumes ignited.
The explosion, at 11:59 a.m., blew the ship's bridge 30 metres into the air. The ship's funnel collapsed. The concussion shattered windows as far away as Georgia Street and people thought the Japanese were attacking. The ship's five holds, transformed into giant mortars, lobbed pieces of cargo all over downtown. Pickles pattered down onto the dock. Rolls of newsprint shot high into the air and unraveled like streamers. Sunglasses landed as far away as Lumberman's Arch. A tablecloth from the ship's salon fluttered down onto the Shell Oil barge in Coal Harbour. Distress flares shot off like Roman candles and floated down with their parachutes open. The Greenhill Park and a barge next to it were set ablaze by burning lumber and chemicals. Eight men died.
Wright and his crew, seeing this, set off in the Sutherland Brown and steamed toward the burning freighter. He backed the Sutherland Brown in, and from the aft deck had his mate throw a line onto the Greenhill Park. It caught. The Sutherland Brown started to tow the Greenhill Park away from the dock.
All the while, Wright would later tell friends, an army dispatcher from the command office was ordering him and his crew away from the burning freighter. He threatened him with court-martial if he disobeyed.
Wright turned the radio off.
Farther out into the harbour an army tug came alongside and caught a line on the Greenhill Park, too, and the two boats tried to beach the freighter on the North Shore. But the ebb tide was too strong and they couldn't tow it against the current so they let go the lines. The Greenhill Park drifted out the First Narrows and went aground near Siwash Rock. It burned for three days.
Frank Wright returned ashore to face the wrath of the army and court-martial. That fate, however, was forestalled by an admiring commanding officer. He told Wright not to worry.
Years later, when Wright was running his water taxi business in Horseshoe Bay, he hired a young accountant just starting out named Brice Macdougall. Macdougall and Wright would grow to become friends, and one day -- a few years ago, Macdougall said -- he was over at Wright's house visiting.
They got to talking about the Greenhill Park disaster.
It was a subject, his daughter Patricia said, that her father rarely talked about, if ever. His wife, Carol, said the same thing. But on that day when Macdougall started asking him about it, Wright got up, Macdougall said, went down to his basement and brought something up.
It was a medal.
It was the Order of The British Empire, awarded for meritorious service.
In all the years he had known him, Macdougall said, Wright had never mentioned it. He had kept it in a toolbox.
A few days after his death, I asked Wright's widow, Carol, where the medal was now. She said:
"I'm sure it's around here somewhere, somewhere in the basement, probably."
© The Vancouver Sun 2008
The last time I saw my Uncle was 6 years ago at my Mom's wedding to my step-dad. I was talking to him and brought up this wooden parrot that I've had since I was little that my mom told me Uncle Frank had hand carved for me. He didn't remember it and told me to show it to him. Mom was getting married at our house so I ran upstairs to collect the old parrot and I brought it to him. He looked at it and started crying, "I can't believe you still have this old thing!". I was so uncomfortable that I'd made my then 83 year old Uncle cry, but we hugged it out and all was well.
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see him in the hospital before he died last week. On Friday morning an hour before my mom was supposed to pick me up from work to take me to Lion's Gate Hospital to see him she called to tell me he'd died in his sleep, thankfully. The funeral is on Monday. I'll say goodbye then I guess.
Here's today's article:
An ancient mariner and 'pirate' laid to rest
Frank Wright lived his life on the water; he was also a recipient of the Order of the British Empire
Pete McMartin
Vancouver Sun
Saturday, November 29, 2008
They will lay Frank Wright to rest on Monday. He died at the age of 89.
I did not know him. People who did -- his wife, his daughter, friends of his -- all called him a character. They gave the impression that behind the usual smooth facade of the obituary resided a real person with ragged, if likable, edges. He was a North Vancouver boy who spent his entire working life on, around, or under the water, who operated tugs, water taxis and salvage crews, and who commenced his own diving career, without a single lesson, after the salvage diver he had hired reported to work sick. Frank donned helmet, suit and boots and went over the side. "A pirate," said a friend, and she meant it as a compliment. He kept a parrot in his office. The parrot could swear.
He was also a veteran.
At the age of 25, Wright was the captain of the M/V Brigadier Sutherland Brown, an army ship that ran up and down the west coast supplying army outposts.
On the morning of Mar. 6, 1945, the Sutherland Brown was docked at the army dock at the foot of Cardero. Wright and a skeleton crew of three were aboard. A half-mile away, at Pier B-C at the foot of Granville Street, sat the SS Greenhill Park, a 10,000-ton freighter that was bound for Australia. It was being loaded with lumber, and its holds were already weighed down with a catch-all cargo of newsprint, sunglasses, jars of pickles, crated airplanes, fertilizers, distress flares, barrels of 60-proof whisky and 1,985 drums of sodium chlorate, a chemical sometimes used in the making of explosives.
Minutes before noon at that day, smoke began to curl out of the Greenhill Park's No. 3 hold. There was a fire. It was later believed that a group of longshoremen were siphoning whisky and someone had lit a match in the gloom. The fumes ignited.
The explosion, at 11:59 a.m., blew the ship's bridge 30 metres into the air. The ship's funnel collapsed. The concussion shattered windows as far away as Georgia Street and people thought the Japanese were attacking. The ship's five holds, transformed into giant mortars, lobbed pieces of cargo all over downtown. Pickles pattered down onto the dock. Rolls of newsprint shot high into the air and unraveled like streamers. Sunglasses landed as far away as Lumberman's Arch. A tablecloth from the ship's salon fluttered down onto the Shell Oil barge in Coal Harbour. Distress flares shot off like Roman candles and floated down with their parachutes open. The Greenhill Park and a barge next to it were set ablaze by burning lumber and chemicals. Eight men died.
Wright and his crew, seeing this, set off in the Sutherland Brown and steamed toward the burning freighter. He backed the Sutherland Brown in, and from the aft deck had his mate throw a line onto the Greenhill Park. It caught. The Sutherland Brown started to tow the Greenhill Park away from the dock.
All the while, Wright would later tell friends, an army dispatcher from the command office was ordering him and his crew away from the burning freighter. He threatened him with court-martial if he disobeyed.
Wright turned the radio off.
Farther out into the harbour an army tug came alongside and caught a line on the Greenhill Park, too, and the two boats tried to beach the freighter on the North Shore. But the ebb tide was too strong and they couldn't tow it against the current so they let go the lines. The Greenhill Park drifted out the First Narrows and went aground near Siwash Rock. It burned for three days.
Frank Wright returned ashore to face the wrath of the army and court-martial. That fate, however, was forestalled by an admiring commanding officer. He told Wright not to worry.
Years later, when Wright was running his water taxi business in Horseshoe Bay, he hired a young accountant just starting out named Brice Macdougall. Macdougall and Wright would grow to become friends, and one day -- a few years ago, Macdougall said -- he was over at Wright's house visiting.
They got to talking about the Greenhill Park disaster.
It was a subject, his daughter Patricia said, that her father rarely talked about, if ever. His wife, Carol, said the same thing. But on that day when Macdougall started asking him about it, Wright got up, Macdougall said, went down to his basement and brought something up.
It was a medal.
It was the Order of The British Empire, awarded for meritorious service.
In all the years he had known him, Macdougall said, Wright had never mentioned it. He had kept it in a toolbox.
A few days after his death, I asked Wright's widow, Carol, where the medal was now. She said:
"I'm sure it's around here somewhere, somewhere in the basement, probably."
© The Vancouver Sun 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
This amuses me, I like Fish
I'm sure you've heard Britney's new song Womanizer . It sounds strangely like she ripped off Neurotic Fish...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's the most wonderful time of the year
So, when I think of Christmas it's not the snow-covered tree images or twinkle lights I envision but empty wallets, full-contact shopping and muddy slush on the roads. I know, I know, I'm the Grinch or whatever. So this year I'm not really buying Christmas like I have in the past. Most everyone on my list is getting handcrafted items and they had better love them because I've literally lost blood over them.
All sarcasm aside:
I'm feeling quite satisfied already with the lack of spending and hope my friends do the same (though I lovelovelove what Xixi got me and can hardly wait till it's mine, all mine!).
So until that fateful eve when eyes light up peeking under the tree, I will plug along every evening slaving over the gifts I'm making for my more than amazing friends and family who deserve my time and effort.
All sarcasm aside:
I'm feeling quite satisfied already with the lack of spending and hope my friends do the same (though I lovelovelove what Xixi got me and can hardly wait till it's mine, all mine!).
So until that fateful eve when eyes light up peeking under the tree, I will plug along every evening slaving over the gifts I'm making for my more than amazing friends and family who deserve my time and effort.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lalalalalala Tonight!
Yeah, my friends and I totally geeked out and went to the NKOTB concert in Vancouver. It was pretty amazing. Lady GaGa opened and I see a bit of Madonna in her, she's quite a diva (in a good way). Natasha Bedingfield played second. Her vocals are stunning and soulful and I'd pay to see her headline.
The boys did not disappoint, I'm so glad we went, thank you for the xmas present Lana! I finally got to live a childhood dream.
Here's a small smattering of pics from the night:

The boys did not disappoint, I'm so glad we went, thank you for the xmas present Lana! I finally got to live a childhood dream.
Here's a small smattering of pics from the night:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Was it something I said?

Dear My Left Kidney,
I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm not really sure what I did. I know you feel better now, but we still have to go for at least one more round of IV antibiotics. We'll know tomorrow hopefully if this is it or not, but the doctors in emergency at Burnaby General still haven't gotten the culture back from the people who make a living spreading bodily fluids on petri dishes. Guess bacteria don't grow all that fast.
They say we're on the "Big Guns" of the world of antibiotics... Sounds like I'll need a big bottle of probiotics by the time this is finished. I guess at least I'm getting an involuntary vacation from work. Too bad I didn't think to bring the power chord for my computer home on Thursday night.
Next time I think I'm getting a UTI (my first in 10 years or so) maybe I'll go straight to the doctor instead of self-medicating with cranberry juice? Damn it. Score one for modern medicine... I'll get you one day.
Well, Left Kidney dearest, I promise to try my best to stop living in a constant state of dehydration. I can't help that I'm never thirsty and don't like water but at least I'll poot my best foot forward after this so we don't go through the pain of our entire body feeling like it's under attack again. Who knew that if you were infected I'd also get a sore throat, swollen glands, and an earache? Weird.
I love you Left Kidney (and your friend on the Right too), don't you ever forget that.
Yours in sickness and in health,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Stolen From MeiMei
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
celebrity crush
So last night was amazingly crazy. I spent it sober, hopped up on Red Bull, and dressed up like Alice in Wonderland. There were quite a few other girls dressed up the same but mine was the only hand-sewn costume. Hopefully my photographers get the pics edited soon and let me post them on here.
The club was oversold and stuffed to the brim. It felt strangely like some raves I'd been to years ago: hot and humid, no room to move and just enough room to dance a bit in place on the dance floor. It was off-the-hook crazy, sooo much nudity and some of the best, most creative costumes I've seen in my life.
Now I'm nursing an upset stomach and watching Jarhead with my darling dearest curled up on the couch.
The club was oversold and stuffed to the brim. It felt strangely like some raves I'd been to years ago: hot and humid, no room to move and just enough room to dance a bit in place on the dance floor. It was off-the-hook crazy, sooo much nudity and some of the best, most creative costumes I've seen in my life.
Now I'm nursing an upset stomach and watching Jarhead with my darling dearest curled up on the couch.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Rain Rain Go AWAY
Nah, it's ok. It is Halloween after all, I'm really just planning on staying in and watching scary movies tonight. Tomorrow is when the fun begins, setting up the club decorations and then dressing up in a homemade Alice in Wonderland costume.
Must remember to get a good picture of myself all done up.
Must remember to get a good picture of myself all done up.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
where the wind doth blow
a dark and wet path led us up up up to the misty mountain top on Friday night. how lucky to live here, to have everything at our doorstep. blink, blink, and we're in paradise. it's cold but I love it, can't be so free and secure anywhere else but here. give me the mountains and the trees because that's all I needs. no other place for me.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Jillybean will kill me if I don't post something... must post something...
A Love Letter I wrote today:
i wanted to write you a love letter. the office misses you, the factory misses you, the bees miss you, the raccoons miss you, ryan in toronto misses you, mike misses you, i miss you. you voice is still haunting me - everytime i phone toronto and no one picks up you tell me to leave a message. i haven't had a stitch n bitch since you left. ryan and chris are crying at my desk right now, sobbing tears of sorrow, telling me to tell you to come back. mike's not eating his bagels at lunch anymore in protest. gb is off-pitch when he whistles along to the sorrowful song in his heart. jill is losing her mind and is threatening to beat me over the head with the alphabet if i don't update my blog... she's scaring me,... she's gone over the deep end... come home and protect me, everyone here is turning into heartless zombies in your absence, i think i saw ian drooling absent-mindedly yesterday staring blankly at his soap genitalia. mounce isn't the same, the spring is gone from his now lacklustre hair. tricia is moving in slow motion. shaune had to leave for the uk for a week so he wouldn't see your empty chair, he just couldn't stand it anymore. gary screams random jibberish into his phone and no one is on the other end. see? we're all falling apart and it's all your fault. you have to come back and save our souls. it's a dark place we've gone too.
miss you, love you, lisa xox
*wink* <3
i wanted to write you a love letter. the office misses you, the factory misses you, the bees miss you, the raccoons miss you, ryan in toronto misses you, mike misses you, i miss you. you voice is still haunting me - everytime i phone toronto and no one picks up you tell me to leave a message. i haven't had a stitch n bitch since you left. ryan and chris are crying at my desk right now, sobbing tears of sorrow, telling me to tell you to come back. mike's not eating his bagels at lunch anymore in protest. gb is off-pitch when he whistles along to the sorrowful song in his heart. jill is losing her mind and is threatening to beat me over the head with the alphabet if i don't update my blog... she's scaring me,... she's gone over the deep end... come home and protect me, everyone here is turning into heartless zombies in your absence, i think i saw ian drooling absent-mindedly yesterday staring blankly at his soap genitalia. mounce isn't the same, the spring is gone from his now lacklustre hair. tricia is moving in slow motion. shaune had to leave for the uk for a week so he wouldn't see your empty chair, he just couldn't stand it anymore. gary screams random jibberish into his phone and no one is on the other end. see? we're all falling apart and it's all your fault. you have to come back and save our souls. it's a dark place we've gone too.
miss you, love you, lisa xox
*wink* <3
Saturday, July 12, 2008
People always say you don't know what you have until it's gone... But I've discovered that it's worse when what's gone comes back briefly.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I don't get it
Why would you go through all the trouble of setting up a Certified Organic farm to sell beautiful organic raspberries BUT package them in plastic that isn't recyclable?
ALSO, I checked out their website (linked in the title) and it states that they have "patented and non-patented" varieties of berries... THIS IS THE PROBLEM with the world today. Selfish, selfish people. I will never buy berries from this glorified Monsanto-esque company again. Maybe that statement goes a bit far but... I don't think I care tonight.
ALSO, I checked out their website (linked in the title) and it states that they have "patented and non-patented" varieties of berries... THIS IS THE PROBLEM with the world today. Selfish, selfish people. I will never buy berries from this glorified Monsanto-esque company again. Maybe that statement goes a bit far but... I don't think I care tonight.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cypress Falls - Get out and hike your local trails!
My fiance, little brother and I decided on a Sunday afternoon to head out on a hike. I'd heard that there were waterfalls on Cypress Mountain but had never seen them so we decided that that would be our destination. It was a fairly easy hike among salmon berries, thimble berries, wild columbine, daisies, Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce, and other wildflowers I'd never seen. I would definitely both recommend this hike and do it again.
Photos below are: Salmon Berry, Bridge between the lower and upper falls trails, View from the top of the Lower Falls cascading into some pools, Heading to the Upper Falls , My Brother beside a 400+ year old Douglas Fir Tree, The Upper Falls.

Photos below are: Salmon Berry, Bridge between the lower and upper falls trails, View from the top of the Lower Falls cascading into some pools, Heading to the Upper Falls , My Brother beside a 400+ year old Douglas Fir Tree, The Upper Falls.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Letter I received from Greenpeace this morning.
EU GMO Success
Please donate to Greenpeace
Dear friends,
Spread the good news! European Commissioners yesterday overturned the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) "safe to eat" verdict for three new GM crops -- two varieties of GM maize and one variety of GM potato.
This means the agro-chemical companies can't commercialize these crops in Europe for now. BASF's GM potato was only one European Union vote away from being released commercially. But the Commission has sent it to the back of the authorization queue.
For the first time, the Union's most senior lawmakers have publicly doubted the safety of GM crops. The EU Observer paper explains: "The European Commission normally adopts decisions based on the opinion of EFSA, which anti-GMO campaigners complain bases its investigations on data provided by the GM industry itself. It has always declared any GM crops it has studied to be safe."
We didn't get exactly what we wanted from today's meeting (i.e. EU decision to reject these GMOs outright), but public pressure and the weight of scientific opinion got us something that will send the agro-chemical industry and pro-GMO politicians reeling.
Anybody who knows the Commission can tell you: It wouldn't have happened without public pressure. All those postcards to Commissioner Dimas, emails to all the Commissioners, the petitions, the blog comments and the many actions these past six months -- they worked.
What's more, Wednesday's decision means that the EFSA's GM crop evaluation process is broken -- so sending GM crops back to the same body over and over isn't good enough. There's more to do clearly, but this decision is an historic milestone for the movement, and a stumbling block for the GMO industry.
Many of you have been putting pressure on the industry and politicians about GMOs for years, others joined in only weeks or months ago. It's been a pleasure and an honour to journey with you all. It'll be a while still before we're rid of GMOs for good, but we'll get there.
The European Commission is so opaque, we'll never know who voted what way. International, collective action can feel a bit like like that -- which is why it's so important to keep at it, keep sharing, and learning. Greenpeace can't do campaigns like this without financial support from 2.8 million people all over the world just like you. If you'd like to support our work with a donation, you can give now online.
Stay in touch, and spread the great news!
Best wishes,
Everyone at Greenpeace
EU GMO Success
Please donate to Greenpeace
Dear friends,
Spread the good news! European Commissioners yesterday overturned the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) "safe to eat" verdict for three new GM crops -- two varieties of GM maize and one variety of GM potato.
This means the agro-chemical companies can't commercialize these crops in Europe for now. BASF's GM potato was only one European Union vote away from being released commercially. But the Commission has sent it to the back of the authorization queue.
For the first time, the Union's most senior lawmakers have publicly doubted the safety of GM crops. The EU Observer paper explains: "The European Commission normally adopts decisions based on the opinion of EFSA, which anti-GMO campaigners complain bases its investigations on data provided by the GM industry itself. It has always declared any GM crops it has studied to be safe."
We didn't get exactly what we wanted from today's meeting (i.e. EU decision to reject these GMOs outright), but public pressure and the weight of scientific opinion got us something that will send the agro-chemical industry and pro-GMO politicians reeling.
Anybody who knows the Commission can tell you: It wouldn't have happened without public pressure. All those postcards to Commissioner Dimas, emails to all the Commissioners, the petitions, the blog comments and the many actions these past six months -- they worked.
What's more, Wednesday's decision means that the EFSA's GM crop evaluation process is broken -- so sending GM crops back to the same body over and over isn't good enough. There's more to do clearly, but this decision is an historic milestone for the movement, and a stumbling block for the GMO industry.
Many of you have been putting pressure on the industry and politicians about GMOs for years, others joined in only weeks or months ago. It's been a pleasure and an honour to journey with you all. It'll be a while still before we're rid of GMOs for good, but we'll get there.
The European Commission is so opaque, we'll never know who voted what way. International, collective action can feel a bit like like that -- which is why it's so important to keep at it, keep sharing, and learning. Greenpeace can't do campaigns like this without financial support from 2.8 million people all over the world just like you. If you'd like to support our work with a donation, you can give now online.
Stay in touch, and spread the great news!
Best wishes,
Everyone at Greenpeace
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sexy Love Affairs

I just went and bought a new product that asks "What if a sponge and a paper towel had a love affair?"
The answer is the Twist Euro Sponge Cloth. What makes it Euro? No idea, but it claims that the sponge cloths outlast 17 rolls of paper towel, can be run through the dishwasher when they're grimy or even boiled to sterilize. These are BIODEGRADABLE and even look pretty! I am totally on board with this, I just don't get why they package them in thin plastic...
At least they have instructions on how to turn the paper sleeve label into a bird feeder.
Maybe one day the store in Vancouver that stocks them will decide to bring in the loofah sponge as well, sure beats that synthetic plastic scrubby on dish sponges!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Conway, because he's super awesome
Just a few pictures to supplement the blog I just wrote a few minutes ago. Pics of Conway and I climbing the Apron on the Stawamus Chief Summer of 2006 and the tattoo he started for me 2 weeks before we did that climb.

Baby Steps
I biked to work again today. My ride home was pretty great! Sunny and warm, but not too warm. It only took me 16min 46sec and my average speed went up to 4.6km/hr.
I think it helped that at the worst part of the hill this other cyclist guy passed me at at least twice my speed... "If he can do that, I can at least try harder", so I pushed myself a bit more than ever and actually saw my speed get up to almost 7km/hr uphill.
I won't be able to bike to work for a while because I might be getting the ink on my leg touched up this evening by my favourite tattoo artist/climbing partner Conway.
It's been a stress-filled few days but I've reached a peaceful state. I'm calm, cool, and mostly collected.
I think it helped that at the worst part of the hill this other cyclist guy passed me at at least twice my speed... "If he can do that, I can at least try harder", so I pushed myself a bit more than ever and actually saw my speed get up to almost 7km/hr uphill.
I won't be able to bike to work for a while because I might be getting the ink on my leg touched up this evening by my favourite tattoo artist/climbing partner Conway.
It's been a stress-filled few days but I've reached a peaceful state. I'm calm, cool, and mostly collected.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Round and round and round she goes...
Rode to work today, it actually went better than last time even though I took such a long break after I hurt my knee on Monday. Feeling pretty good about it, managed to get myself to up a gear after the worst part of the hill so I actually pushed myself a bit and it paid off.
My average speed went up from 3.2km/hr to 4.1km/hr and the trip only took me 17 minutes instead of 20! Pretty psyched about that. I was out of breath this time pretty bad but I didn't overheat and I didn't feel like giving up so I'd say it's an overall improvement.
My average speed went up from 3.2km/hr to 4.1km/hr and the trip only took me 17 minutes instead of 20! Pretty psyched about that. I was out of breath this time pretty bad but I didn't overheat and I didn't feel like giving up so I'd say it's an overall improvement.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Bike Journal 2
Today kinda sucked. As far as biking home goes.
I felt a lot more tired and my muscles got fatigued faster and I started to overheat about halfway home. But I still made it without any breaks!
Weather: sprinkling, around 8 degreesC and no wind.
Distance: Actually only 1.2km according to my little computer but I have my doubts. I'll check the magnets before I ride to work on Wednesday.
Time to get home: 20minutes and 8seconds
Gears used: Front: Middle Back:Lowest
Overall feeling: Shitty and my bum was wet from my seat sitting in the rain all day. I was wary of my waterproof pants because it wasn't raining hard and I knew I'd overheat. I actually wanted to give up about 3 minutes in because I think I started off on too high of a gear and made myself really feel it after the worst part of the hill. I also slipped off of my peddle (damn cocoa butter on the floor at work) when I was balancing on my bike waiting to cross a busy road with no crosswalk and over-extended my knee a bit... at least I didn't land on the bar. That would have sucked. At least I'm not a guy. That would have sucked more.
Cigarettes Smoked: 1 before I left. It's an hour and a half since I got home and I still haven't had a second one :) YAY!
Water drank: A glass of "Emergen-C"... again, YAY!
So now I'm taking at least 1 day off to let my muscles rest up and make sure my knee is ok.
I felt a lot more tired and my muscles got fatigued faster and I started to overheat about halfway home. But I still made it without any breaks!
Weather: sprinkling, around 8 degreesC and no wind.
Distance: Actually only 1.2km according to my little computer but I have my doubts. I'll check the magnets before I ride to work on Wednesday.
Time to get home: 20minutes and 8seconds
Gears used: Front: Middle Back:Lowest
Overall feeling: Shitty and my bum was wet from my seat sitting in the rain all day. I was wary of my waterproof pants because it wasn't raining hard and I knew I'd overheat. I actually wanted to give up about 3 minutes in because I think I started off on too high of a gear and made myself really feel it after the worst part of the hill. I also slipped off of my peddle (damn cocoa butter on the floor at work) when I was balancing on my bike waiting to cross a busy road with no crosswalk and over-extended my knee a bit... at least I didn't land on the bar. That would have sucked. At least I'm not a guy. That would have sucked more.
Cigarettes Smoked: 1 before I left. It's an hour and a half since I got home and I still haven't had a second one :) YAY!
Water drank: A glass of "Emergen-C"... again, YAY!
So now I'm taking at least 1 day off to let my muscles rest up and make sure my knee is ok.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Bike Journal
Today was my first day of biking to work. I'll try to keep track of my progress here.
Not sure of the total km because I forgot to turn on my little computer thing until partway home. The ride to work is completely downhill which is great when you're still half-asleep!
Weather: overcast, threatening rain, cool and breezy
Distance: 28 city blocks (Odometer says 3.5km, I missed 5 minutes or so, I'll guess 4.2km for now)
Time to get home: (I'll call it 20minutes, my odometer said 15minutes)
Gears used: Front: Middle Back:Lowest
Overall feeling: The first 5 minutes I wasn't sure if I'd make it, I got dizzy, all the blood rushed to my face and I was breathing pretty heavy. This was the worst part of the hill. The rest was just steady, staring at the road and telling myself every block I passed "just 5 more blocks". I feel pretty good now that I'm home.
My body feels good, my lungs feel open despite the cig's I smoked before and after and my butt and legs don't hurt, I didn't even break a sweat!
Cigarettes Smoked: 1 before while I talked myself into it, half of one when I got home to distract myself.
Water drank: A sip when I got home. I need to work on this.
On my lunch break I ran to Canadian Tire to get nuts and bolts to mount the computer on the handlebar in my office and the rack for my panier when I got home.
Not sure of the total km because I forgot to turn on my little computer thing until partway home. The ride to work is completely downhill which is great when you're still half-asleep!
Weather: overcast, threatening rain, cool and breezy
Distance: 28 city blocks (Odometer says 3.5km, I missed 5 minutes or so, I'll guess 4.2km for now)
Time to get home: (I'll call it 20minutes, my odometer said 15minutes)
Gears used: Front: Middle Back:Lowest
Overall feeling: The first 5 minutes I wasn't sure if I'd make it, I got dizzy, all the blood rushed to my face and I was breathing pretty heavy. This was the worst part of the hill. The rest was just steady, staring at the road and telling myself every block I passed "just 5 more blocks". I feel pretty good now that I'm home.
My body feels good, my lungs feel open despite the cig's I smoked before and after and my butt and legs don't hurt, I didn't even break a sweat!
Cigarettes Smoked: 1 before while I talked myself into it, half of one when I got home to distract myself.
Water drank: A sip when I got home. I need to work on this.
On my lunch break I ran to Canadian Tire to get nuts and bolts to mount the computer on the handlebar in my office and the rack for my panier when I got home.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
In the last 2 weeks I've made a lot of changes for good. I've switched to a natural deodorant, natural toothpaste and mouthwash, & a Lush shampoo bar (don't even need conditioner with it on my bleached-to-straw hair). I went to MEC last night and spent $100 on bike accessories; that hasn't gone well so far.
I figured that the chain on my bike was falling off so it needed a couple of links taken off. WELL. If you know nothing about bikes don't take them apart. Lesson learned. I've now bought a new chain, haven't put it on yet but I can still ride it just not on the 2 highest gears. The mudflaps the guy at MEC told me to get don't fit mountain bike tires and the rack to mount my panier on both didn't come with enough nuts & the bolts are too short to mount to the rear axle thing.
I'm a bit frustrated right now but grateful for Chris at work who is an awe-inspiring downhill & extreme mountain biker. He brought his tools to work today, overhauled my bike and did maintenance on everyone else's in the parking lot.
If I get up on time tomorrow morning I'll bike to work and I will try to remember to not touch my left gear-shift.
DIY gone bad.
On a good note: the natural deodorant is working. Must say I'm pleasantly surprised.
I figured that the chain on my bike was falling off so it needed a couple of links taken off. WELL. If you know nothing about bikes don't take them apart. Lesson learned. I've now bought a new chain, haven't put it on yet but I can still ride it just not on the 2 highest gears. The mudflaps the guy at MEC told me to get don't fit mountain bike tires and the rack to mount my panier on both didn't come with enough nuts & the bolts are too short to mount to the rear axle thing.
I'm a bit frustrated right now but grateful for Chris at work who is an awe-inspiring downhill & extreme mountain biker. He brought his tools to work today, overhauled my bike and did maintenance on everyone else's in the parking lot.
If I get up on time tomorrow morning I'll bike to work and I will try to remember to not touch my left gear-shift.
DIY gone bad.
On a good note: the natural deodorant is working. Must say I'm pleasantly surprised.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Living Like Ed
So I met Ed Begley Jr. yesterday at the Green Living Show in Vancouver. He is a wonderfully down to earth, humble gentleman. I stepped outside of my comfort zone at the trade show and stood up in front of the crowd of people who were there to sit in awe of this man and listen to him talk and asked him a couple of questions.
To my first question "The people of Vancouver are skeptical about solar panels due to the lack of solar rays available to us. What is a good alternative energy source we can apply instead?" (the crowd giggled at this). He suggested a small vertical access wind turbine.
My second question was just plain cheeky. "Would you sign my book with my non-toxic, recycled marker?" (again, the crowd giggled). He said he'd be more than pleased! So I got mine signed to me and a second one signed for Shelley, the environmental officer for Lush and he told me to come find him after so we could chat some more. So I did.
I walked around the show for about an hour or so after his talk as he had a long, long line-up waiting for him at the Chapters booth. I went back later and had another chat with him about what I do for Lush, how I was honoured to meet him and that I promised to use his book to help Green out the Lush factory more than it already was. I got an opportunity to introduce Shelley to him after as well. I'm not sure why but she used that meeting to embarrass me on purpose in front of Ed... she told him that I was thinking about getting an electric bike for riding to and from work (he's a supporter of electric bikes but she made me look like an ass). I think that's her weird way of motivating me to ride to work, it's a bit ass-backwards if you ask me but whatever. At least it will give me an excuse to email him later when I DO eventually start riding to work.
Another hi-light of my day was seeing Jean-Michel Cousteau give a talk about his recent work in the Amazon and his upcoming projects with our local killer whales. I couldn't stop laughing to myself about the stark comparison to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Here's a link to his organization The Ocean Futures Society. Something he shared with us was about a recent trip to a secluded Hawaiian Island during his study of the North Western reefs and the sharks that live there. He says he sat on the beach and within reach of where he was on the sand was garbage that represented 52 countries (based on his collection of these items and verifying the country of sale): mascara tubes, toothbrushes, medicine bottles... All had washed up on shore from the deep ocean.
I'm looking forward to watching his new documentary in 3D at the Imax that will be narrated by Daryl Hannah! =)
To my first question "The people of Vancouver are skeptical about solar panels due to the lack of solar rays available to us. What is a good alternative energy source we can apply instead?" (the crowd giggled at this). He suggested a small vertical access wind turbine.
My second question was just plain cheeky. "Would you sign my book with my non-toxic, recycled marker?" (again, the crowd giggled). He said he'd be more than pleased! So I got mine signed to me and a second one signed for Shelley, the environmental officer for Lush and he told me to come find him after so we could chat some more. So I did.
I walked around the show for about an hour or so after his talk as he had a long, long line-up waiting for him at the Chapters booth. I went back later and had another chat with him about what I do for Lush, how I was honoured to meet him and that I promised to use his book to help Green out the Lush factory more than it already was. I got an opportunity to introduce Shelley to him after as well. I'm not sure why but she used that meeting to embarrass me on purpose in front of Ed... she told him that I was thinking about getting an electric bike for riding to and from work (he's a supporter of electric bikes but she made me look like an ass). I think that's her weird way of motivating me to ride to work, it's a bit ass-backwards if you ask me but whatever. At least it will give me an excuse to email him later when I DO eventually start riding to work.
Another hi-light of my day was seeing Jean-Michel Cousteau give a talk about his recent work in the Amazon and his upcoming projects with our local killer whales. I couldn't stop laughing to myself about the stark comparison to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Here's a link to his organization The Ocean Futures Society. Something he shared with us was about a recent trip to a secluded Hawaiian Island during his study of the North Western reefs and the sharks that live there. He says he sat on the beach and within reach of where he was on the sand was garbage that represented 52 countries (based on his collection of these items and verifying the country of sale): mascara tubes, toothbrushes, medicine bottles... All had washed up on shore from the deep ocean.
I'm looking forward to watching his new documentary in 3D at the Imax that will be narrated by Daryl Hannah! =)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Karaoke in Poole

I stumble into the Slurping Toad with a bunch of co-workers and get dragged on stage by (in order) Sharon, Julie, Jennifer and Agnes to sing a HORRIBLE rendition of Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River". I had a blast. I think.
Thank you to Ben for taking this memory-making photo.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Love and Liberte

In honour of Fidel Castro announcing that he is stepping down from his post to make way for Raoul Castro, my best friend and I are having Fidel T-Shirts made. The day he steps down I will wear that shirt to work, don a Fidel hat and smoke a big fat Cuban cigar. It's the end of an era and I guess I'll never get my wish of going to Cuba while Fidel Castro was still in power. I guess there's always Raoul. Farewell El Caballo!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Shane Koyczan - Local Slam Poet
Shane is amazing live, this video doesn't do him justice. He wrote this poem about my best friend while they were dating.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Limit your Palm Oil consumption NOW!!!
This is too intense not to share. I cried a little at my desk in my office today when I watched it. Please reduce your consumption of palm oils, we need to make a difference now! L~
Monday, January 7, 2008
Shopping Therapy
I spent all weekend shoe shopping for my wedding! I didn't know it could be that exhausting - 10 stores in two days (including Holt Renfrew) and I only found 3 pairs I actually liked and one of them had too much grey in it to ever be able to go with a wedding gown.
I ended up buying 2 pairs one of which I can't talk about on here in case word travels through the grapevine and the fiance hears about them. The other pair (the leopard print ones) I got at Betsy Johnson as an alternate in case my feet hurt too much.
All in all, a fun but draining weekend!
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