One of my New Year's resolutions (a practice I have never actually carried out or attempted ever before in my life) is to start up a monthly Stitch and Bitch group at my place. I will teach ALL of my girlfriends who constantly bitch and moan about how they can't knit and wish they could HOW TO KNIT. I always offer lessons but we never end up following through with it. I was brought up to share knowledge, no recipe is sacred, pass on skills. PLUS I can then show off all of my pretty knitting stuff.

Above is half of my collection of needles (note a pair of mahogany 12mm) *beam*, the rest are in a case my Boba gave me before she died last year. You can see her in that photo in the background with her best friend on the right.

Yes, this is a close-up of my pride and joy. Hand made Pyrex knitting needles. They even have their very own hard case, yay for American mail order!
So Bess (and Jill, Carla, Xixi, Willow, Fayza, Nathaniel) and anyone else who wants to learn or share knowledge or just sit around and bitch over cocktails (or tea), I will discuss with the "man" the best time for him and let you all know.
I do love a good stitch-n-bitch! And I recently learned how to knit :) I'd love to come!
Can I bring my crotchet or needlepoint?
Of course you can Jill, it's still "stitching". ;)
i'm SO there! cool needles, pretty pictures. stitchers of the world, UNITE!
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