My little Salem is sick; she was diagnosed with
hyperthyroidism last week. To combat this at the moment we (read: I) are feeding her 1/4 of a tiny pressed-tab of
Tapazole twice a day hidden in a teaspoon of yogurt which is, fortunately, her favourite treat anyways. I am so so so thankful she hasn't noticed the pills yet as I'm told they have a horrible taste. I have to bring her back to the vet on November 7th to make sure that the dose is correct (cha-ching vets, yep that's another blood test you get to charge me for) and to check if she is a candidate for the (cross your fingers she's in the 95 percentile) permanent treatment that is available in 3 hospitals in Canada (I'm so glad I live in Vancouver). If she's a candidate she will be taken to the
North West Nuclear Medicine for Animals Hospital and be given a
radioactive iodine treatment . After that the government says I have to leave her at the hospital for a week so I don't ALSO become radioactive, then after she comes home I have to limit contact for two weeks during which time no kids or old people can come over.
This treatment will cost me $1500 base price (the pills are $40/month for the rest of her life and that means I really can't take a vacation without incurring huge cat-sitter fees or boarding costs). I can't not do it though. I love her more than anything else on this planet. So if Christmas doesn't make it to your door this year being carried by me I apologise ahead of time.
On top of all of this she is Potassium deficient so I've had to change her diet to include a breakfast of wet food to hide the potassium gluconate powder in. Fun times in our household.
On an upbeat note we're acquiring a new kitten for Salem to play with on Wednesday but I don't want to jinx myself by talking about it too much. So until then, adieu.